Saturday, July 27, 2024

tees now available!

Kevin's Walk
Gukto Jongju, Nakdong River Path
(bottom) Total Distance: 403 km

GTJJ = Gukto Jongju
NDGG = Nakdonggang-gil (Nakdong River Path)
DBYH = Dobo-yeohaeng (walk or walking trip)

The new walk-tee design is now ready for sale. The "403 km in 20 days" line feels a little cringey: anyone can do the math and see that that averages out to only a bit more than 20 km a day, which isn't much. Between you and me, though: I'm taking six break days because quite a few of those segments are actually over 30 km in length. My longest segment is, in fact, 40 km. I've done longer, but that's still a pretty big chunk for an unathletic guy to do in a day. So 403 km over 14 walking days (plus I'll be walking on my "off" days as well) averages out to 28.8 km, which is a bit more impressive for the regular folks. For you pampered people who've been following these walks, you know that 28 or 29 km in a day isn't that big of a deal.

Meanwhile, go get yourself a tee! Shop link is on the sidebar.

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